
Protection of personal data

Your data is safe by Ekobox.


We process anonymous traffic statistics on our website to get feedback on which websites you visit with Google Analytics, cookies, and more because we want to provide you with the best possible service.


If you register with us via a web form, we will store your personal information you provide us (especially company name, name, e-mail and telephone number). We store this information to establish business cooperation with Ekobox s.r.o. and informing about the news in a reasonable amount. Thanks to this information, we can also improve our services for you, our customers. We keep your personal information for accounting, evaluation of common business activities, and for developing new products.


We track web site traffic with Google Analytics. This tool helps us find out what pages you've visited on our sites, what site you've seen on our site, and other basic information about your computer. However, all information is anonymous - we do not know who you are. This service helps us understand what products our customers are most interested in and how they searched our website.


We also use our social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn ...), but we do not have any information about how you use your social networking accounts. We're primarily using social networking to communicate with you if you choose this channel, easy launching of videos, presentations, and the fastest way to know about important news for Facebook users who clicked the "I Like" button on our Facebook company presentation.


If you are not interested in subscribing to news and information sent to you via automatic email, you can log out at any time by clicking on the logout link that is always at the end of that email, or log out of Facebook, YouTube, and other social networking sites.


In case you are interested in providing information, processing your personal data, repairing or deleting it – please contact us at info@eko-pallet.com.